We provide a range of support, depending upon your specific requirements. We support clients through the use of on-line videos, briefing documents and templates which can be accessed to help guide the average homeowner through the stages of heat treatment process. The section below provides more information of the training services offered.

Eliminating Bed Bugs in 3 Easy Steps
Generate Heat
Using electric bed bug heaters, we introduce infected areas to air heated to a target temperature up to 55 °C. This temperature point immediately starts to kill bed bugs at all stages of their lifecycle, including unhatched eggs.
Control Temperature
Temperatures are monitored in real time using a built-in, preset digital thermostat control. Wireless sensors will also be placed within the treatment area to monitor temperature remotely, ensuring lethal temperatures are reached without damaging the space and its contents.
Expand Heat Flow
High temperature fans move heated air throughout spaces, cracks and crevices to reach insects in and around high infestation zones. This distributes the heat evenly around the room and ensures all areas are brought up to the lethal temperature that kills all bed bugs in the shortest time possible.